Hey all, I'm out of town this week on a business trip so this issue will be somewhat abridged (also, late). Hope you're having a great week!
BTW - did you not get the last Glitchet? Check your spam folder. I think all the social media-related links and copy I added made it seem suspicious to Gmail and possibly other services.
Way's Notes
Glitchet will be back in full swing next week. I've been in Seattle having coffee and trying to convince Computer Science students to come work for my company. Y'know, I had no idea that Seattle was the birthplace of grunge - I really dig it. I'm sort of a grungey person at heart, but unfortunately I'm not hardcore enough to roll with the real gutterpunks. Ah, well. Techpunk for me, I guess.
Thank you for reading! Glitchet is a socialite and always wants more friends, so tell them about it! Comments, rants, rambles, and hellos directly to [email protected].
Interested in putting your money where your Glitchet is? You can support Glitchet with a monthly subscription on Patreon, or a one-time payment via PayPal.
Money for Glitchet goes into paying for server costs, spending more time developing it, and telling it you love it.
Alternatively, if cryptocurrency is more your bag, you can send me meager amounts of cyber money at these wallet addresses:
- Bitcoin: 141xzEcXzPtyW45F4tW7tmmJw6LwBrnonD
- Bitcoin Cash: 1PjTR8SSbaFpJiJneYkya3KxpDiou6Ty7A
- Ethereum: 0x7Cc1aCa2997D9613165b7D398CC6186042672a14
- Litecoin: LSLeiZxrymuSXMrZFWLJ43RSxTTdLctGe1
- Dogecoin: DJBpHsS2tnwtcQHDYMT8jdfwHhKCXUptyT