What's under the clouds? What's coming next? I don't know. Possibly life. Possibly death. Probably both! I've got some articles here for you on medical marvels, deadly weapons, theoretical extraterrestrials, electronic culture, and of course, robots. But first, some news!
Special thanks to Rodrigo Garzón for letting me use his awesome glitch of "The Keepers", by Nicholas Scarpinato.
Glitchet News
That's right, your favorite (and possibly only) free, weekly hodge-podge glitch art/scary future newsletter now has a Facebook page to give you even more content. Just because I love sharing cool stuff I find. Seriously though... I have a problem. If I put everything I find interesting on my personal social media, I think all of my friends would disown me. But that's why you and I work so well together.
Brief thoughts and feelings
Here's an assorted bunch of stuff to warm us up.
I think this one is just awesome. Something emerges out of the vortex - is it the heart of the galaxy? Something's bumping waves through everything, but it's hard to see.
Very cool set of infographics describing the various types of immortality we could achieve. The author, Maria Konovalenko, maintains a blog on stopping aging and immortality, so if you're really not ready to kick the bucket (or you hate that you even own a bucket), you should check it out.
As the top comment on this article puts it, "The rifle doesn't make you a marksman, it just makes you an end user."
Oldie but a goodie. A detailed and haunting description of why there may or may not be aliens out there, and we will probably never meet them. Also, we're all probably going to go extinct.
There are some truly awful puns to be made here, but I won't be the one to make them. (Because I already did, and I felt bad about it.)
Medical Marvels
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Watch the video. The slow, articulate, precise motions controlled by nothing make it easy to imagine a robot like this working quietly and steadfastly on you.
Soon, the world's most technically correctly superhero: Alligator Regenerative Teeth Property Man.
This is what technology is meant for. Fair warning - this is a tear jerker.
Robot Frenemies
Interesting thoughtpiece on the present and future of human-robot friendship.
For a dramatic take on the glitch-propelled end of the (stock market) world as we know it, give this a read.
Oh, no big deal. I've only been waiting for this MY ENTIRE LIFE
Some very cool and beautiful GIFs in this one, alongside interesting discussion on what it's like to work with robots.
Electronic Culture
This uses a Markov chain text generator to generate Calvin and Hobbes comics with surreal (and occasionally sublime) results.
glitch? you mean when you cover bug bites in glue right? wait is that not a thing people do
I'm all about lofty ideas, but it's a lot less compelling when it's my social security number getting leaked for your ideology.