A whole lot of stuff exploring what deep learning sees, thinks, and creates. And also robots in the real world.
Absolutely worth a watch. You know how neural networks can generate text? Well, they ran a neural net against a bunch of sci fi screenplays, then filmed the screenplay it produced.
A heck of a lot. I can't wait to see the results next year, or the year after.
Neat little one-page site that Bloomberg did for some of the coolest new tech of this year.
A neural network learns Blade Runner and then reproduces it from memory. It's particularly fascinating to watch the cuts to black, as the neural network explodes with color. It makes me think of dreaming.
I love me some procedurally generated 3d landscapes.
OK, the title is a little clickbaity. Basically, a cool exploration of telepresence robots.
New artificial heart device called a Syncardia allows heart patients to carry their hearts with them while waiting for a real heart transplant.