Defeating death, gene splicing potentials, organic data storage, techno temples, and more.
A fascinating read on current and past attempts to solve the whole dying-and-aging issue.
Apparently you can pack massive amounts of data into DNA, using special sequencing and redundant data techniques. It's pretty interesting that organic storage approaches are inherently imperfect but are still good-enough-functional, like most of our technology.
OK, it's a little clickbait-y but the idea is that we don't know anything much about gene editing and we should wait before trying to turn ourselves into superheroes. Whatever! (But seriously, the scientists are probably right.)
OK, holy shit. Watch the video. Leave it on for a bit. It's awesome (in a repetitive way). If technobuddhism becomes an actual religion, I think I might just convert 100% wholeheartedly. (I'm already fairly into Buddhism as a general concept, and of course, techno.)
Neato! I like to imagine a future where we have so much historical data on our planet that we can predict all sorts of events as they're about to happen by using machine learning. Imagine even machine learning across planets! Of course, that relies on a predictable, repeating data set, which global warming and meteors unfortunately are not.
Another episode in disturbing children's toys being used to transmit family recordings due to shitty, insecure systems. (And naturally, it was ransomed.)
Neat look at technical, UX, and cultural requirements for augmented reality to actually happen as a big deal.
Would you gene-tweak your baby? I mean... really, who wouldn't? Blah blah, ethics, I know.